InsideOut Panorama

InsideOut Panorama in Franeker (nl) 2018
zie onder voor Nederlands
InsideOut Panorama is an ongoing community art project by Baukje Spaltro at the interface of psychiatry and visual arts. This project is about solidarity, the awareness of our inner world, and the importance of contemporary painting. It’s about inspiring and participating despite being different, perceiving, and interpreting differently.
It started in 2017 as an assignment from Stichting Panorama Fryslân-Franeker 2018 initiated by Thea Gerritsen (former humanistic counselor at GGZ Friesland). Spaltro created InsideOut Panorama in the context of Leeuwarden Cultural Capital of Europe 2018.
InsideOut Panorama as artwork consists of a new community from the Frisian psychiatry and a painted landscape of moods. Spaltro painted together with almost 200 (former) psychiatric clients a cyclorama circular panorama of 40 meters. The landscape is made of individual perceptions of each participant, as a personal reflection of the Frisian landscape. Spaltro used these personal votes as input for the total design and painted it to a whole, a landscape of moods.
IOP1: InsideOut Panorama was exhibited between 08.06 and 31.08.2018 in Franeker, Friesland (NL). On the InsideOut Panorama- facebook page a lot of images of the creating process of this community and cyclorama.
InsideOut Panorama – The Legacy by filmmaker Inge Willems and Spaltro and made in 2019. About the making off and with the stories of the participants (38 min.) The film will be online after the premiere at de FilmHallen in Amsterdam.
Nowadays, especially with Corona, we still need more awareness of our inner world in our daily life . The ambiguity of our soul makes us humans. In collaboration with different partners, Spaltro developed four new phases of InsideOut Panorama
IOP2 – 09.10.2020 – 23.11.2020: IOP2 in Amsterdam with the exhibition Binnenwereld (Inner world) at gallery Beeldend Gesproken and premiere of the film InsideOut Panorama – The Legacy at the FilmHallen. The opening and premiere by invitation only. 10.10.2020 Dutch National Day of Psychiatric Health. 24.10.2020 Gallery Talk XL: artist present their new work to the public, this was cancelled due to Covid-19. Click here for details of IOP2 Binnenwereld. The gallery follows the RIVM precautions, check the last information on
IOP3 – 08.11.2020 – 10.01.2021: IOP3 in Drachten with the exhibition of the cyclorama and several activities of the community at Adverium. The former student will be trained by Spaltro in the Co-creation method and will give workshops about our Inner world students of art and healthcare and public. becomes master after a training of the Co-creation method by Spaltro. This was postponed due to Covid-19
09.06.2021-04.07.2021 InsideOut Panorama exhibited at the Sluisfabriek,Tussendiepen 6, 9206AD Drachten (nl)
08.11.2020 – 27.06.2021 At Museum Drachten the Salon of Panomarists, a group exhibition of the community as part of the exhibition Waanzinnig! het buitengewone leven van Klaas Koopmans (Insane! the extraordinary life of Klaas Koopmans). The film InsideOut Panorama – The Legacy will be on view. A collaboration with Stichting Panorama InsideOUT Fryslân. This exhibition was closed for a few month due to Covid-19. Soon more info here and in Dutch on
IOP4 – 2021 Spaltro’s artistic research of the Inner World and contemporary art for positive mental health
26.03.2021: InsideOud Panorama – The Legacy the film @Caring Community Festival Amsterdam.
InsideOut Panorama won several prises: the Iepen Mienskip Prize in 2018 and in 2020 (inclusive community prize) of the province of Fryslân and the GGZ Herstelprize. InsideOut Panorama is mentioned on the website of VPRO Tegenlicht as an innovative art project within the GGZ.
InsideOut Panorama – The Legacy by Inge Willems and Baukje Spaltro (English subtitels, 37 min)
InsideOut Panorama – The Legacy by Inge Willems and Baukje Spaltro (Dutch version, 37 min)
PANORAMA 360-photograph by C3LX
Panorama with soundscape (Youttube channel)
Artistic plan IOP1 and Co-creation (Dutch pdf)
Artistic plan IOP1-5 2020 (Dutch pdf)
press release IOP1 2018 (Dutch pdf)
press release IOP2 2020 (Dutch pdf)
IOP1 2018 Film (Dutch vimeo)
CH2018 InsideOut (Dutch vimeo)
Omrop Fryslân radio interview 01.2018 (Dutch/Frysk) (Dutch) (Dutch)
VPRO Tegenlicht innovative projects scroll to Friesland (Dutch)
InsideOut Panorama is een kunstproject van Baukje Spaltro in samenwerking met meerdere partners in de kunst en psychiatrie. InsideOut Panorama is gemaakt voor Leeuwarden Culturele Hoofdstad 2018. Het is een geschilderd landschap van stemmingen van 40 meter omtrek en geschilderd door een nieuwe community van ca 200 (ex) psychiatrische cliënten uit Friesland. Naast de creativiteit toont dit kunstwerk het vermogen om samen te werken en de veerkracht van deze groep. Hun verhalen zijn vastgelegd in InsideOut Panorama The Legacy van Inge Willems.
InsideOut bestaat uit vijf fasen, Binnenwereld is de tweede fase. Tijdens de derde fase zijn het panorama en de actieve community te zien in de sluisfabriek Drachten.
26.03.2021: InsideOud Panorama – The Legacy the film as part of Caring Community Festival Amsterdam
09.06.2021-04.07.2021: InsideOut3 @ Sluisfabriek Tussendiepen 6 9206AD Drachten (nl)
07.11.2020-27.06.2021: InsideOut 3: De Salon van Panoramisten in de tentoonstelling Waanzinnig! het buitengewone leven van Klaas Koopmans in Museum Drachten gaat wel door. Hier is ook InsideOut Panorama The Legacy van Inge Willems te zien. De vierde fase is een beeldend onderzoek over de binnenwereld.
InsideOut Panorama heeft de Iepen Mienskip-prijs 2018 (inclusieve gemeenschapsprijs) van de provincie Fryslân gewonnen. En wordt op de website van VPRO Tegenlicht genoemd als innovatief kunstproject binnen de GGZ.
InsideOut Panorama

InsideOut Panorama in Franeker (nl) 2018
zie onder voor Nederlands
InsideOut Panorama is an ongoing community art project by Baukje Spaltro at the interface of psychiatry and visual arts. This project is about solidarity, the awareness of our inner world, and the importance of contemporary painting. It’s about inspiring and participating despite being different, perceiving, and interpreting differently.
It started in 2017 as an assignment from Stichting Panorama Fryslân-Franeker 2018 initiated by Thea Gerritsen (former humanistic counselor at GGZ Friesland). Spaltro created InsideOut Panorama in the context of Leeuwarden Cultural Capital of Europe 2018.
InsideOut Panorama as artwork consists of a new community from the Frisian psychiatry and a painted landscape of moods. Spaltro painted together with almost 200 (former) psychiatric clients a cyclorama circular panorama of 40 meters. The landscape is made of individual perceptions of each participant, as a personal reflection of the Frisian landscape. Spaltro used these personal votes as input for the total design and painted it to a whole, a landscape of moods.
IOP1: InsideOut Panorama was exhibited between 08.06 and 31.08.2018 in Franeker, Friesland (NL). On the InsideOut Panorama- facebook page a lot of images of the creating process of this community and cyclorama.
InsideOut Panorama – The Legacy by filmmaker Inge Willems and Spaltro and made in 2019. About the making off and with the stories of the participants (38 min.) The film will be online after the premiere at de FilmHallen in Amsterdam.
Nowadays, especially with Corona, we still need more awareness of our inner world in our daily life . The ambiguity of our soul makes us humans. In collaboration with different partners, Spaltro developed four new phases of InsideOut Panorama
IOP2 – 09.10.2020 – 23.11.2020: IOP2 in Amsterdam with the exhibition Binnenwereld (Inner world) at gallery Beeldend Gesproken and premiere of the film InsideOut Panorama – The Legacy at the FilmHallen. The opening and premiere by invitation only. 10.10.2020 Dutch National Day of Psychiatric Health. 24.10.2020 Gallery Talk XL: artist present their new work to the public, this was cancelled Postponned due to Covid-19 . Click here for details of IOP2 Binnenwereld. The gallery follows the RIVM precautions, check the last information on
IOP3 – 08.11.2020 – 10.01.2021: IOP3 in Drachten with the exhibition of the cyclorama and several activities of the community at Adverium. The former student will be trained by Spaltro in the Co-creation method and will give workshops about our Inner world students of art and healthcare and public. becomes master after a training of the Co-creation method by Spaltro. This was postponed due to Covid-19
09.06.2021-04.07.2021 InsideOut Panorama exhibited at the Sluisfabriek,Tussendiepen 6, 9206AD Drachten (nl)
08.11.2020 – 27.06.2021 At Museum Drachten the Salon of Panomarists, a group exhibition of the community as part of the exhibition Waanzinnig! het buitengewone leven van Klaas Koopmans (Insane! the extraordinary life of Klaas Koopmans). The film InsideOut Panorama – The Legacy will be on view. A collaboration with Stichting Panorama InsideOUT Fryslân. This exhibition was closed for a few month due to Covid-19. Soon more info here and in Dutch on
IOP4 – 2021 Spaltro’s artistic research of the Inner World and contemporary art for positive mental health
26.03.2021: InsideOud Panorama – The Legacy the film @Caring Community Festival Amsterdam.
InsideOut Panorama won several prises: the Iepen Mienskip Prize in 2018 and in 2020 (inclusive community prize) of the province of Fryslân and the GGZ Herstelprize. InsideOut Panorama is mentioned on the website of VPRO Tegenlicht as an innovative art project within the GGZ.
InsideOut Panorama – The Legacy by Inge Willems and Baukje Spaltro (English subtitels, 37 min)
InsideOut Panorama – The Legacy by Inge Willems and Baukje Spaltro (Dutch version, 37 min)
PANORAMA 360-photograph by C3LX
Panorama with soundscape (Youttube channel)
Artistic plan IOP1 and Co-creation (Dutch pdf)
Artistic plan IOP1-5 2020 (Dutch pdf)
press release IOP1 2018 (Dutch pdf)
press release IOP2 2020 (Dutch pdf)
IOP1 2018 Film (Dutch vimeo)
CH2018 InsideOut (Dutch vimeo)
Omrop Fryslân radio interview 01.2018 (Dutch/Frysk) (Dutch) (Dutch)
VPRO Tegenlicht innovative projects scroll to Friesland (Dutch)
InsideOut is een kunstproject van Baukje Spaltro in samenwerking met meerdere partners in de kunst en psychiatrie. InsideOut Panorama is gemaakt voor Leeuwarden Culturele Hoofdstad 2018. Het is een geschilderd landschap van stemmingen van 40 meter omtrek en geschilderd door een nieuwe community van ca 200 (ex) psychiatrische cliënten uit Friesland. Naast de creativiteit toont dit kunstwerk het vermogen om samen te werken en de veerkracht van deze groep. Hun verhalen zijn vastgelegd in InsideOut Panorama The Legacy van Inge Willems.
InsideOut bestaat uit vijf fasen, Binnenwereld is de tweede fase. Wegens Covid-19 is de derde fase deels uitgesteld. Tijdens De derde fase zijn het panorama en de actieve Friese community te zien in Drachten, tussen 8 november 2020 en 10 januari 2021. De leerling uit 2018 wordt meester in 2020. De Salon van Panoramisten in de tentoonstelling Waanzinnig! het buitengewone leven van Klaas Koopmans in Museum Drachten gaat wel door. Hier is ook InsideOut Panorama The Legacy van Inge Willems te zien. De vierde fase wordt een manifest als blauwdruk voor een symposium medio 2022, in de vijfde fase.
InsideOut Panorama heeft de Iepen Mienskip-prijs 2018 (inclusieve gemeenschapsprijs) van de provincie Fryslân gewonnen. En wordt op de website van VPRO Tegenlicht genoemd als innovatief kunstproject binnen de GGZ.
InsideOut Panorama 2018