City Sphere Schalkwijk (Haarlem nl)
City Sphere Schalkwijk in De Vishal
See all the singel works here (Dutch):
The making of City Sphere Schalkwijk by filmmaker Inge Willems shows the making of City Sphere Schalkwijk, with the song by Franswa.
Both with English subtitles, see under films or
The City Sphere Schalkwijk Song by rapper Franswa and Uncle Sem (in Dutch and with Dutch subtitels):
A new City Sphere catalogue with a new text in Dutch or English: pdf catalogues
City Sphere Schalkwijk in Centrum Schalkwijk 11.10.2022 -23.10.2022
City Sphere Schalkwijk
Opening vrijdag 9 september 2022 vanaf 17 tot 19 uur in De Vishal aan de Grote Markt 20 in Haarlem
City Sphere Schalkwijk: coproductie en expositie
10.09-10.10.2022 - 10 oktober 2022
City Sphere Schalkwijk Vishal
See all the singel works here (Dutch):
The making of City Sphere Schalkwijk by filmmaker Inge Willems shows the making of City Sphere Schalkwijk. Soon with English subtitles, see under films or
Rapper Franswa wrote with Uncle Sem a special City Sphere Schalkwijk Song (Dutch):
A new City Sphere catalogue with a new text:
City Sphere Schalkwijk in Centrum Schalkwijk
City Sphere Schalkwijk hangt tot 23 oktober in de WE-etalage in het winkelcentrum Schalkwijk, Haarlem.
Via deze link zie je alle werken met titels en naam van de maker:
The making of City Sphere Schalkwijk van Inge Willems toont het ontstaan van City Sphere Schalkwijk, en is te vinden onder menuknop films.
City Sphere Schalkwijk: coproductie en expositie
10.09-10.10.2022 - 10 oktober 2022