City Sphere Corvetto (Milan Italy)

City Sphere Corvetto shows the genius loci of the Corvetto area in Milan, about the sense of this rural and fast-changing urban area.-  artist in residence @Viafarini. A collaboration with Viafarini and XYZ Corvetto (I)

City Sphere Corvetto @ ViaFariniWork Milan

City Sphere Corvetto shows the genius loci of the Corvetto area in Milan, about the sense of this rural and fast-changing urban area.- artist in residence @Viafarini. A collaboration with Viafarini and XYZ Corvetto (I)

City Sphere Corvetto consists of a painted installation, 15 paintings by Spaltro, and the local intervention ‘Voci di Corvetto’ aw riten rap track by youngsters of Corvetto.  A co-production of Viafarini, XYZ Corvetto and Spaltro. Installation view at the manifestation Corvetto NZSD: one year after.
Project Info in Italian
City Sphere Corvetto catalogue with artists statement in English 2023
City Sphere Corvetto catalogue with the first studio works and a short introduction by Ann Williams in English 2024

16.06 – 15.06.2024 ADDRESS UNKNOWN: Cities, Limits, Boundaries  
shows works by artists from the Archivio Viafarini network, built thanks to its residency program, to construct a reflection on the city as a phenomenon, its limits and its boundaries. With new studio works of City Sphere Corvetto.
at the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan. Press release in Italian
Comunicato_Address_Unknown_Fabbrica_del_Vapore.docx (3)
exhibited works with artist statement (Italian)

2024 Studioworks - click this title

The Corvetto studioworks are made in Amsterdam 2022-2024. A selection of those wil be exhibited first in Milan (may/june 2024) then in Amsterdam (september 2024)

2023: 21.02 – 03.03 City Sphere Corvetto   @ArtSpace Amsterdam
Opening  21.02.2023   6:30-8:00 pm & Club Dialogue  01.03.2023    
A dialogue by Renée Hartog and Baukje Spaltro about the value of invisible networks: the three clubs of Amsterdam.
Why do we join a private association?  With panel members from Arti et Amicitiae, De Kring and De Industrie Groote Club and public. 
This exhibition is from February 21 to March 3, open Monday-Friday from 12 noon to 6 pm, and only for Arti members between 6 pm and 11 pm. 
ArtSpace, Arti et Amicitiae, Rokin 112, Amsterdam 

2022: 04.11 – 13.12  City Sphere Corvetto @ViaFariniWork Milan Via Marco D’Agrate 33, Milan   Press release in Italian   
Project Info in Italian

Cloud of Corvetto - single paintings

24x14 cm

Color card Corvetto

24×14 cm
20x30 cm

Guarda sù - Piazza Angilberto II

20×30 cm
25x30 cm

Messaggio inutile - Via Marco d'Agrate

25×30 cm
60x45 cm

Case Bianche - Via Pismonte

60×45 cm
35x35 cm

Ombre - San Ligi Gambolòita

35×35 cm
30x25 cm

Antenna - Corso Lodi

30×25 cm
25x30 cm

Altovolante - Piazzale Corvetto

25×30 cm
25x30 cm

Cascina scomparsa - Riva di Trento

25×30 cm
25x13 cm

Sotto la superficie - Via Gargano

25×13 cm
30x21 cm


30×21 cm
Times doesn't stop
20x18 cm

Il tempo non si ferma - Riva di Trento

Times doesn’t stop 20×18 cm
35x40 cm

Erba Rossa - Viale Enrico Martini

35×40 cm
30x25 cm

Ora di Pranzao - Piazza Gabriele Rosa

30×25 cm
35x40 cm

Bosco - Piazza Geremia Bonomelli

35×40 cm
18x25 cm

Logo, case popolari - Piazza Ferrara

18×25 cm

Local Intervention of Corvetto

Voci di Corvetto (Voices of Corvetto) is a collection of quotes by local youngsters. This local intervention of Corvetto was organized by Spaltro, Gigi Tufariello (XYZ Corvetto), Dora Casadio (Viafarini) and Dima.
Voci di Corvetto (Voices of Corvetto) is a collection of quotes by local youngsters. This local intervention of Corvetto was organized by Spaltro, Gigi Tufariello (XYZ Corvetto), Dora Casadio (Viafarini) and Dima.
Voci di Corvetto team: Gigi  Tufariello (XYZ Corvetto), Dora Casadio (Viafarini) e Dima.
Voci di Corvetto team: Gigi Tufariello (XYZ Corvetto), Dora Casadio (Viafarini) e Dima.
Gigi Call for Artist PRINT A5 version3 kopie